If you are feeling limited in your professional and personal growth, then more than likely, your inner critic points out to you all the things you have failed at before and predicts your future failings. Your inner critic derives from a scar you suffered somewhere between the ages of eight and 15. Unconsciously, you continue to play out that scenario without even knowing that it's there, setting up a false upper limit to your achievement.

The Inner Critic Workshop is designed for groups of women who want to explore and share stories about the inner critic chatter in their heads and find ways to quiet it. The purpose of the workshop is for everyone to understand they are not alone and gain support from each other. During the workshop, you will learn how to identify when your inner critic is talking, build a toolkit to quiet that voice, and lay out a strategy for moving to your zone of excellence.

You create your group for the workshop. It can be a group of professional colleagues, a sorority, or close friends.  It can be hosted in a home, a conference room, Zoom, or the venue of your choice. The attendance limit is 20 women.